Effect of wind speed on marine aerosol optical properties over remote oceans with use of spaceborne lidar observations


Sun Kangwen,Dai Guangyao,Wu Songhua,Reitebuch OliverORCID,Baars HolgerORCID,Liu Jiqiao,Zhang Suping


Abstract. Marine aerosol affects the global energy budget and regional weather. The production of marine aerosol is primarily driven by wind at the sea–air interface. Previous studies have explored the effects of wind on marine aerosol, mostly by examining the relationships between aerosol optical depth (AOD) and surface wind speed. In this paper, utilizing the synergy of aerosol and wind observations from Aeolus, the relationships between the marine aerosol optical properties at 355 nm and the instantaneous co-located wind speeds of remote oceans are investigated at two vertical layers (within and above the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL)). The results show that the enhancements of the extinction and backscatter coefficients caused by wind are larger within the MABL than above it. The correlation models between extinction and backscatter with wind speed were established using power-law functions. The slope variation points occur during extinction and backscatter coefficients increasing with wind speed, indicating that the wind-driven enhancement of marine aerosol involves two phases: a rapid-growth phase with high wind dependence, followed by a slower-growth phase after the slope variation points. We also compared the AOD–wind relationship acquired from Aeolus with CALIPSO-derived results from previous research. The variation in the lidar ratio with wind speed is examined, suggesting a possible “increasing–decreasing–increasing” trend of marine aerosol particle size as wind speed increases. This study enhances the comprehension of the correlation between marine aerosol optical properties and wind speed by providing vertical information and demonstrating that their relationships are more complex than a linear or exponential relation.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Copernicus GmbH

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