Abstract. The annular modes characterize the dominant variability of the extratropical
circulation in each hemisphere, quantifying vacillations in the position of
the tropospheric jet streams and the strength of the stratospheric polar
vortices. Their representation in all available reanalysis products is
assessed. Reanalysis uncertainty associated with limitations in the
ability to constrain the circulation with available observations, i.e., the
inter-reanalysis spread, is contrasted with sampling uncertainty
associated with the finite length of the reanalysis records. It is shown that the annular modes are extremely consistent across all modern
reanalyses during the satellite era (ca. 1979 onward). Consequently,
uncertainty in annular mode variability, e.g., the coupling between the
stratosphere and troposphere and the variation in the amplitude and timescale of jet variations throughout the annual cycle, is dominated by sampling
uncertainty. Comparison of reanalyses based on conventional (i.e.,
nonsatellite) or surface observations alone with those using all available
observations indicates that there is limited ability to characterize the
Southern Annular Mode (SAM) in the presatellite era. Notably, prior to 1979,
surface-input reanalyses better capture the SAM at near-surface levels than
full-input reanalyses. For the Northern Annular Mode, however, there is
evidence that conventional observations are sufficient, at least from 1958
onward. The addition of 2 additional decades of records substantially
reduces sampling uncertainty in several key measures of annular mode
variability, demonstrating the value of more historic reanalyses.
Implications for the assessment of atmospheric models and the strength of
coupling between the surface and upper atmosphere are
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36 articles.