An approach to minimize aircraft motion bias in multi-hole probe wind measurements made by small unmanned aerial systems


Al-Ghussain LoiyORCID,Bailey Sean C. C.ORCID


Abstract. A multi-hole probe mounted on an aircraft provides the air velocity vector relative to the aircraft, requiring knowledge of the aircraft spatial orientation (e.g., Euler angles), translational velocity and angular velocity to translate this information to an Earth-based reference frame and determine the wind vector. As the relative velocity of the aircraft is typically an order of magnitude higher than the wind velocity, the extracted wind velocity is very sensitive to multiple sources of error including misalignment of the probe and aircraft coordinate system axes, sensor error and misalignment in time of the probe and aircraft orientation measurements in addition to aerodynamic distortion of the velocity field by the aircraft. Here, we present an approach which can be applied after a flight to identify and correct biases which may be introduced into the final wind measurement. The approach was validated using a ground reference, different aircraft and the same aircraft at different times. The results indicate a significant reduction in wind velocity variance at frequencies which correspond to aircraft motion.


Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems

Office of Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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