A 3D-Var assimilation scheme for vertical velocity with CMA-MESO v5.0
Container-title:Geoscientific Model Development
Short-container-title:Geosci. Model Dev.
Li HongORCID, Yang Yi, Sun Jian, Jiang Yuan, Gan Ruhui, Xie Qian
Abstract. Certain vertical motions associated with meso-microscale systems are favorable for convection development and maintenance. Correct initialization of updraft motions is thus significant in convective precipitation forecasts. A three-dimensional variational-based vertical velocity (w) assimilation scheme has been developed within the high-resolution (3 km) CMA-MESO (the Mesoscale Weather Numerical Forecast System of the China Meteorological Administration) model. This scheme utilizes the adiabatic Richardson equation as the observation operator for w, enabling the update of horizontal winds and mass fields of the model's background. The tangent linear and adjoint operators are subsequently developed and undergo an accuracy check. A single-point w observation assimilation experiment reveals that the observational information is effectively spread both horizontally and vertically. Specifically, the assimilation of w contributes to the generation of horizontal wind convergence at lower model levels and divergence at higher model levels, thereby adjusting the locations of convection occurrence. The impact of assimilating w on the forecast is then examined through a series of continuous 10 d runs. Further assimilation of w, in addition to the assimilation of conventional and radial wind data, significantly improves the forecast accuracy of precipitation, resulting in higher FSS (fractions skill score) values and higher ETS (equitable threat score) skills at higher thresholds (5 and 20 mm h−1). However, it should be noted that further assimilation of w can potentially lead to some false precipitation, resulting in slightly lower ETS values at lower thresholds (1 mm h−1) and a neutral impact on BIAS (bias score) skills. An individual case study conducted within the batch experiments reveals that assimilating w has a beneficial impact on the enhancement of vertical motion across different layers of the model, facilitating the transport of moisture from lower to middle–high model levels, thereby leading to an improvement in forecast skills.
National Natural Science Foundation of China Science and Technology Department of Gansu Province
Copernicus GmbH
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