Evaluating digital terrain indices for soil wetness mapping – a Swedish case study


Ågren A. M.ORCID,Lidberg W.,Strömgren M.,Ogilvie J.,Arp P. A.


Abstract. Driving with forestry machines on wet soils within and near stream and lake buffers can cause soil disturbances, i.e. rutting and compaction. This – in turn – can lead to increased surface flow, thereby facilitating the leaking of unwanted substances into downstream environments. Wet soils in mires, near streams and lakes have particularly low bearing capacity and are more susceptible to rutting. It is important to model and map the extent of these areas and associated wetness variations. This can be done with adequate reliability using high resolution digital elevation model (DEM). In this article, we report on several digital terrain indices to predict soil wetness by wet-area locations. We varied the resolution of these indices to test what scale produces the best possible wet-areas mapping conformance. We found that topographic wetness index (TWI) and the newly developed cartographic depth-to-water index (DTW) were the best soil wetness predictors. While the TWI derivations were sensitive to scale, the DTW derivations were not and were therefore numerically fairly robust. Since the DTW derivations vary by the area threshold used for setting stream flow initiation we found that the optimal threshold values varied by landform, e.g., 1–2 ha for till-derived landforms vs. 8 –16 ha for a coarse-textured alluvial floodplain.


Copernicus GmbH

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