Melting of Northern Greenland during the last interglacial
Born A.,Nisancioglu K. H.
Abstract. The Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) is losing mass at an increasing rate, making it the primary contributor to global eustatic sea level rise. Large melting areas and rapid thinning at its margins has raised concerns about its stability. However, it is conceivable that these observations represent the transient adjustment of the fastest reacting parts of the ice sheet, masking slower processes that dominate the long term fate of the GrIS and its contribution to sea level rise. Studies of the geological past provide valuable information on the long term response of the GrIS to warm periods. We simulate the GrIS during the Eemian interglacial, a period 126 000 yr before present (126 ka) with Arctic temperatures comparable to projections for the end of this century. The northeastern part of the GrIS is unstable and retreats significantly, despite moderate melt rates. Unlike the south and west, strong melting in the northeast is not compensated by high accumulation, or fast ice flow. The analogy with the present warming suggests that in coming decades, positive feedbacks could increase the rate of mass loss of the northeastern GrIS, exceeding the currently observed melting in the south.
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