1. ADM 1/481: Letters from Commanders in Chief North America 1755–1760 (Charles Holmes) The State and Condition of His Majesty's Ships and Sloops under my Command at New York between 3rd of May 1757 and 9th following, The National Archives, UK, https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C4771564 (last access: 20 September 2021), 1757a.
2. ADM 1/481: Letters from Commanders in Chief North America 1755–1760 (Frances Holbourne) Newark at sea 28 September [Letter to the Admiralty outlining his squadron's inability to continue operations and the need to refit], The National Archives, UK, https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C4771564 (last access: 20 September 2021), 1757b.
3. ADM 1/481: Letters from Commanders in Chief North America 1755–1760 (Frances Holbourne) Newark at sea 28 September [list of damage to ships sustained in the gale], The National Archives, UK, https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C4771564 (last access: 20 September 2021), 1757c.
4. ADM 1/481: Letters from Commanders in Chief North America 1755–1760 (Frances Holbourne) Newark at Sea 30 September, The National Archives, UK, https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C4771564 (last access: 20 September 2021), 1757d.
5. ADM 1/481: Letters from Commanders in Chief North America 1755–1760 Newark at Halifax 14 October [A letter from Frances Holbourne to the Admiralty outlining the state of the squadron and the enemy's ships at Louisbourg], The National Archives, UK, https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C4771564 (last access: 20 September 2021), 1757e.