Using deep learning for digital soil mapping


Padarian JoséORCID,Minasny Budiman,McBratney Alex B.ORCID


Abstract. Digital soil mapping (DSM) has been widely used as a cost-effective method for generating soil maps. However, current DSM data representation rarely incorporates contextual information of the landscape. DSM models are usually calibrated using point observations intersected with spatially corresponding point covariates. Here, we demonstrate the use of the convolutional neural network (CNN) model that incorporates contextual information surrounding an observation to significantly improve the prediction accuracy over conventional DSM models. We describe a CNN model that takes inputs as images of covariates and explores spatial contextual information by finding non-linear local spatial relationships of neighbouring pixels. Unique features of the proposed model include input represented as a 3-D stack of images, data augmentation to reduce overfitting, and the simultaneous prediction of multiple outputs. Using a soil mapping example in Chile, the CNN model was trained to simultaneously predict soil organic carbon at multiples depths across the country. The results showed that, in this study, the CNN model reduced the error by 30 % compared with conventional techniques that only used point information of covariates. In the example of country-wide mapping at 100 m resolution, the neighbourhood size from 3 to 9 pixels is more effective than at a point location and larger neighbourhood sizes. In addition, the CNN model produces less prediction uncertainty and it is able to predict soil carbon at deeper soil layers more accurately. Because the CNN model takes the covariate represented as images, it offers a simple and effective framework for future DSM models.


Copernicus GmbH


Soil Science

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