An approach to reduce mapping errors in the production of landslide inventory maps


Santangelo M.ORCID,Marchesini I.ORCID,Bucci F.,Cardinali M.,Fiorucci F.,Guzzetti F.ORCID


Abstract. Landslide inventory maps (LIMs) show where landslides have occurred in an area, and provide information useful to different types of landslide studies, including susceptibility and hazard modelling and validation, risk assessment, erosion analyses, and to evaluate relationships between landslides and geological settings. Despite recent technological advancements, visual interpretation of aerial photographs (API) remains the most common method to prepare LIMs. In this work, we present a new semi-automatic procedure that exploits GIS technology for the digitalization of landslide data obtained through API. To test the procedure, and to compare it to a consolidated landslide mapping method, we prepared two LIMs starting from the same set of landslide API data, which were digitalized (a) manually adopting a consolidated visual transfer method, and (b) adopting our new semi-automatic procedure. Results indicate that the new semi-automatic procedure is more efficient and results in a more accurate LIM. With the new procedure, the landslide positional error decreases with increasing landslide size following a power-law. We expect that our work will help adopt standards for transferring landslide information from the aerial photographs to a digital landslide map, contributing to the production of accurate landslide maps.


Copernicus GmbH

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