Seismic amplitude response to internal heterogeneity of mass-transport deposits


Ford JonathanORCID,Camerlenghi Angelo,Zolezzi Francesca,Calarco Marilena


Abstract. Compared to unfailed sediments, mass-transport deposits are often characterised by a low-amplitude response in single-channel seismic reflection images. This “acoustic transparency” amplitude signature is widely used to delineate mass-transport deposits and is conventionally interpreted as a lack of coherent internal reflectivity due to a loss of preserved internal structure caused by mass-transport processes. In this study we examine the variation in the single-channel seismic response with changing heterogeneity using synthetic 2-D elastic seismic modelling. We model the internal structure of mass-transport deposits as a two-component random medium, using the lateral correlation length (ax) as a proxy for the degree of internal deformation. The average internal reflectivity is held approximately constant with increasing deformation by fixing the two component sediment lithologies to have realistic P-wave velocity and density based on sediment core measurements from the study area. For a controlled single-source synthetic model a reduction in observed amplitude with reduced ax is consistently observed across a range of vertical correlation lengths (az). For typical autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) sub-bottom profiler acquisition parameters, in a simulated mass-transport deposit with realistic geostatistical properties, we find that when ax≈1 m, recorded seismic amplitudes are, on average, reduced by ∼25 % relative to unfailed sediments (ax≫103 m). We also observe that deformation significantly larger than core scale (ax>0.1 m) can generate a significant amplitude decrease. These synthetic modelling results should discourage interpretation of the internal structure of mass-transport deposits based on seismic amplitudes alone, as acoustically transparent mass-transport deposits may still preserve coherent, metre-scale internal structure. In addition, the minimum scale of heterogeneity required to produce a significant reduction in seismic amplitudes is likely much larger than the typical diameter of sediment cores, meaning that acoustically transparent mass-transport deposits may still appear well stratified and undeformed at core scale.


Horizon 2020


Copernicus GmbH


Paleontology,Stratigraphy,Earth-Surface Processes,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geophysics,Soil Science

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