Abstract. In Turkey, cadastral works have been started with local-based works in 1924 and speeded up after 1950's by using photogrammetry. Different measurement methods, coordinate systems and scales have been used in these works. As a result of primary cadastral activities two main products are generated; cadastral maps and title deeds. After this, cadastral data live on the maps, by cadastral activities carried out by cadastral offices and title deed data live on the registrations by land registration activities carried out by land registration offices. Up to 2005 different references systems such as local (graphic) and ED50 have been used for Cadastral maps production. 2000's Land Registry and Cadastre Information System (TAKBİS) Project has started as a pilot application by Land Registry and Cadastre (TKGM). After completion of pilot project spreading activities started in 2005 and still has been ongoing. On the other hand The government has taken the decision to finish primary cadastral activities within three years. The primary cadastral activities completed at the end of 2008. And also TKGM has completed metadata portal in 2008. At last, cadastral map updating (renovation) started in 2009 by using digital orthophoto with 30 cm GSD. Today people have great expectations in accomplishing digital cadastral services, they need correct, reliable, easy and quick accessible land register and cadastral survey information. Even such request expressed in INPIRE directive by using ISO 191XX data standards. This means we have great hard work for spatial data conversion, datum and data transformation for map and cadastral data harmonization. This paper presents results of investigation of used cadastral maps and used datums of the TKGM and possible transformation methods of datum and some recommendations for future applications.
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