Variable anisotropy of small-scale stratospheric irregularities retrieved from stellar scintillation measurements by GOMOS/Envisat
Kan V.ORCID, Sofieva V. F.ORCID, Dalaudier F.
Abstract. In this paper, we consider possibilities for studying the anisotropy of small-scale air density irregularities using satellite observations of bi-chromatic stellar scintillations during tangential occultations. Estimation of the anisotropy coefficient (the ratio of the characteristic horizontal to vertical scales) and other atmospheric parameters is based on the comparison of simulated/theoretical and experimental auto-spectra and coherency spectra of scintillation. Our analyses exploit a 3-D model of the spectrum of atmospheric inhomogeneities, which consists of anisotropic and isotropic components. For the anisotropic component, a spectral model with variable anisotropy is used. Using stellar scintillation measurements by GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars) fast photometers, estimates of the anisotropy coefficient are obtained for atmospheric irregularities with vertical scales of 8–55 m at altitudes of 43–30 km. It is shown that the anisotropy increases from about 10 to 50 with increasing vertical scales.
Copernicus GmbH
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