Gerke H. H.,Dusek J.,Vogel T.
Abstract. Subsurface drained experimental fields are frequently used for studying preferential flow (PF) in structured soils. Considering two-dimensional (2-D) transport towards the drain, however, the relevance of mass transfer coefficients, apparently reflecting small-scale soil structural properties, for the water and solute balances of the entire drained field is largely unknown. This paper reviews and analyzes effects of mass transfer reductions on Br− leaching for a subsurface drained experimental field using a numerical 2-D dual-permeability model (2D-DPERM). The sensitivity of the "diffusive" mass transfer component on bromide (Br−) leaching patterns is discussed. Flow and transport is simulated in a 2-D vertical cross-section using parameters, boundary conditions (BC), and data of a Br− tracer irrigation experiment on a subsurface drained field (5000 m2 area) at Bokhorst (Germany), where soils have developed from glacial till sediments. The 2D-DPERM simulation scenarios assume realistic irrigation and rainfall rates, and Br-application in the soil matrix (SM) domain. The mass transfer reduction controls preferential tracer movement and can be related to physical and chemical properties at the interface between flow path and soil matrix in structured soil. A reduced solute mass transfer rate coefficient allows a better match of the Br− mass flow observed in the tile drain discharge. The results suggest that coefficients of water and solute transfer between PF and SM domains have a clear impact on Br− effluent from the drain. Amount and composition of the drain effluent is analyzed as a highly complex interrelation between temporally and spatially variable mass transfer in the 2-D vertical flow domain that depends on varying "advective" and "diffusive" transfer components, the spatial distribution of residual tracer concentrations, and the lateral flow fields in both domains from plots of the whole subsurface drained field. The local-scale soil structural effects (e.g., such as macropore wall coatings), here conceptualized as changes in mass transfer coefficients, can have a clear effect on leaching at the plot and field-scales.