Preti F.,Forzieri G.,Chirico G. B.
Abstract. The paper aims at evaluating to what extent forest cover could affect the flood peak frequency and magnitude in Italian catchments. The analysis is restricted to evaluating the component of the runoff coefficient which cannot be captured by the catchment lithology alone. A preliminary data mining is performed on data of 75 catchments distributed from South to Central Italy. Cluster and correlation structure analyses are conducted for distinguishing forest cover effects within sample sets of catchments characterized by hydro-morphological similarities. We propose a method for correcting the bias of the runoff coefficient estimated from the catchment lithology only, by accounting for the effect of forest cover. The bias correction becomes significant for small mountainous catchments, characterised by larger forest cover fraction and lower critical rainfall depth. Consistently with what suggested in previous studies, the bias correction decreases as the rainfall depth and return period increase.
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