Evaluation of hydrological models on small mountainous catchments: impact of the meteorological forcings


Evin GuillaumeORCID,Le Lay MatthieuORCID,Fouchier Catherine,Penot David,Colleoni Francois,Mas Alexandre,Garambois Pierre-André,Laurantin Olivier


Abstract. Hydrological modelling of small mountainous catchments is particularly challenging because of the high spatio-temporal resolution required for the meteorological forcings. In situ measurements of precipitation are typically scarce in these remote areas, particularly at high elevations. Precipitation reanalyses propose different alternative forcings for the simulation of streamflow using hydrological models. In this paper, we evaluate the performances of two hydrological models representing some of the key processes for small mountainous catchments (< 300 km2), using different meteorological products with a fine spatial and temporal resolution. The evaluation is performed on 55 small catchments of the northern French Alps. While the simulated streamflows are adequately reproduced for most of the configurations, these evaluations emphasize the added value of radar measurements, in particular for the reproduction of flood events. However, these better performances are only obtained because the hydrological models correct the underestimations of accumulated amounts (e.g. annual) from the radar data in high-elevation areas.


European Commission


Copernicus GmbH


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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