Abstract. The stochastic weather generator CLIGEN can simulate long-term weather
sequences as input to WEPP for erosion predictions. Its use, however, has
been somewhat restricted by limited observations at high spatial–temporal
resolutions. Long-term daily temperature, daily, and hourly precipitation
data from 2405 stations and daily solar radiation from 130 stations
distributed across mainland China were collected to develop the most
critical set of site-specific parameter values for CLIGEN. Ordinary kriging
(OK) and universal kriging (UK) with auxiliary covariables, i.e., longitude,
latitude, elevation, and the mean annual rainfall, were used to interpolate
parameter values into a 10 km×10 km grid, and the interpolation
accuracy was evaluated based on the leave-one-out cross-validation. Results
showed that UK generally outperformed OK. The root mean square error between
UK-interpolated and observed temperature-related parameters was ≤0.88 ∘C (1.58 ∘F). The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient for
precipitation- and solar-radiation-related parameters was ≥0.87, except for the skewness coefficient of daily precipitation, which was 0.78. In addition,
CLIGEN-simulated daily weather sequences using UK-interpolated and observed
parameters showed consistent statistics and frequency distributions. The
mean absolute discrepancy between the two sequences for temperature was
<0.51 ∘C, and the mean absolute relative discrepancy for
solar radiation, precipitation amount, duration, and maximum 30 min intensity was <5 % in terms of the mean and standard deviation. These
CLIGEN parameter values at 10 km resolution would meet the minimum data
requirements for WEPP application throughout mainland China. The dataset is
available at http://clicia.bnu.edu.cn/data/cligen.html (last access: 20 May 2021) and
(Wang et al., 2020).
National Natural Science Foundation of China
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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Cited by
6 articles.