Abstract. Petrophysical properties are a key element for reservoir
characterization but also for interpreting the results of various
geophysical exploration methods or geophysical well logs. Furthermore,
petrophysical properties are commonly used to populate numerical models and
are often critically governing the model results. Despite the common need for
detailed petrophysical properties, data are still very scarce and often not
available for the area of interest. Furthermore, both the online research
for published property measurements or compilations, as well as dedicated
measurement campaigns of the selected properties, which require
comprehensive laboratory equipment, can be very time-consuming and costly.
To date, most published research results are often focused on a limited
selection of parameters only, and hence researching various petrophysical
properties, needed to account for the thermal–hydraulic–mechanical behaviour
of selected rock types or reservoir settings, can be very laborious. Since for deep geothermal energy in central Europe, the majority of the
geothermal potential or resource is assigned to the crystalline basement, a
comprehensive database of petrophysical properties comprising rock
densities, porosity, rock matrix permeability, thermal properties (thermal
conductivity and diffusivity, specific heat capacity) as well as rock
mechanical properties as compressional and shear wave velocities, unconfined
compressive strength, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, tensile strength and
triaxial shear strength was compiled from measurements conducted at the
HydroThermikum lab facilities of the Technical University of Darmstadt. Analysed samples were mostly derived from abandoned or active quarries and
natural or artificial outcrops such as road cuts, riverbanks or steep hillslopes. Furthermore, samples of the cored deep wells Worms 3 (samples from
2175–2195 m), Stockstadt 33R (samples from 2245–2267 m), Weiterstadt 1
(samples from 2502–2504 m), Tiefbohrung Groß-Umstadt/Heubach, B/89–B02
and the cored shallow wells (Forschungsbohrung Messel GA 1 and 2) as well
as GWM17 Zwingenberg, GWM1A Zwingenberg, Langenthal BK2/05, EWS267/1
Heubach, and archive samples of the Institut für Steinkonservierung e.V. in Mainz originating from a comprehensive large-scale sampling campaign
in 2007 were investigated. The database (Weinert et al., 2020b; https://doi.org/10.25534/tudatalib-278)
aims to provide easily accessible petrophysical properties of the Mid-German
Crystalline Rise, measured on 224 locations in Bavaria, Hessen,
Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia and comprising 26 951 single data points.
Each data point is addressed with the respective metadata such as the sample
identifier, sampling location, petrography and, if applicable, stratigraphy
and sampling depth (in the case of well samples).
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
General Earth and Planetary Sciences