Managing conflicts and developing their resolution strategies are among the leading topics in modern management. The studies aimed at improving and understanding the connection between management styles and conflicts, strategies for coordinating cooperation, and increasing team productivity are becoming relevant. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of training professionals in conflict management and resolution strategies within a team, enhancing productivity through cooperation and project effectiveness. Also, the authors present a study of how team effectiveness depends on the ability to manage conflict by mediating the level of team coordination. The study employs various methods. The experiment method is the main one in this paper. The study results were evaluated using a survey and observation conducted by stages. The research hypothesis asserts that studying conflict resolution principles and employing various conflict avoidance strategies are positive components of contemporary management practices. The research results indicate that conducting a conflict management training course based on cooperation positively impacts project team productivity and managerial preparedness. There are prospects for continuing experimental research on considering and analyzing conflict management styles as they develop and determine the connection between team performance and conflict management skills.