The main goal of the study was to identify ways to improve the taxation mechanism of credit institutions in the Russian Federation as a special group of participants in tax relations based on the analysis of the current system and the specifics of their taxation at the present stage. In the course of the research, such scientific methods of the empirical and theoretical group as analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, systemic and integrated approaches were applied. The article examines the key problems and features of the mechanisms for calculating and collecting the main taxes (income tax and value added tax) levied on credit institutions in the Russian Federation at the present stage. The study and systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches helped investigate and assess the role of banks in the formation and development of the tax system and the economy of Russia. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the development of proposals and recommendations, scientific and applied, aimed at realizing the fiscal and regulatory potential of the taxation mechanism of banks as a special group of tax relations. The positive elements of foreign experience in taxation of banks, from the point of view of its possible use in the Russian Federation were emphasized. The expediency is substantiated and a variant of income tax rates differentiation for credit institutions in terms of types of activities and profit is proposed. The importance of tax support for bank lending to priority sectors of the economy and increasing taxation of speculative transactions, currency and financial transactions is argued. The need to eliminate existing contradictions in tax legislation, improve the system of banks' liability, in order to minimize offenses and increase tax and general economic security in the Russian Federations revealed.
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