Implementation of a computer polygraph in the security and defense sector of Ukraine


Kazmiruk Sergii1,Bura Yuliia1,Bilan Maksym1


1. Military Institute of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article is devoted to the analysis of issues related to reveal of the hidden and unreliable information using computer polygraph in the security and defense sector of Ukraine. The article covers challenges of methodical support of this activity. The author describes modern tendencies and directions of computer polygraph application. According to the analysis of the US positive practice the improvement actions for the methodological support of personnel management, forensic and anticorruption expertise in the area of national security and defense of Ukraine was suggested. The introduction of a computer polygraph would foster change in the existing contradictions between outdated approaches and the new technologies and systematically shift to work with innovative techniques, technologies and tools that are effectively used in NATO based on the analysis of the positive US experience in detecting hidden and unreliable information. In particular, topical issues for the introduction of a computer polygraph are the rationale and selection of the methods, standards and tools (polygraph, special software, common terminology) that correspond to the legal, informational and technical requirements. The employment of a computer polygraph in accordance with international standards would contribute to effective accomplishment of the following main tasks (as defined by the activities of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)): conducting psychophysiological control over the staff, personnel management; appointment and conduct of forensic expertise and expert research; countering terrorism; prevention and detection of corruption offenses in the public activity, anti-corruption expertise; development of a series of military standards to standardize both the terminological apparatus of the polygraph sphere and the development and implementation of so-called operational standards into the components of the security and defense sector. The main of the standards purposes would be the description and standardization of procedures and methods in this area. In particular, the use of a computer polygraph will increase the effectiveness of the main tasks implementation in the SSU to identify the causes, preconditions and circumstances of crimes and offenses, as well as the introduction of preventive measures for committing socially dangerous and/or criminal deeds. The current aspect, dictated by the use of the computer polygraph, is the fight against sabotage and terrorist acts at military facilities, the fight against hostile sabotage and reconnaissance groups on the territory of Ukraine.



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