Sulistian W.,Nuryati R.,Mutiarasari N.R.
The development of broiler farms is supported by the strengthening of upstream industries such as breeding farms, feed mill companies, and veterinary drug companies, and downstream industries such as livestock product processing companies. This also encourages the formation of a business pattern from broiler chicken farming. This study aims to determine the cost, revenue, income, and feasibility of a partnership and independent broiler farming business. The method used in this research is a case study method on a partnership pattern breeder and an independent pattern breeder for six production periods, each cultivating 2,500 chickens in Cikukulu Village, Karangnunggal District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The results showed that there were differences obtained in the partnership pattern and independent pattern. The cost in this partnership pattern is slightly lower (0.16%) compared to the independent pattern. Furthermore, the acceptance of the partnership pattern is divided based on the market price and the contract price. The revenue obtained by the partnership pattern based on the market price is higher (2.52%) compared to the contract price. The revenue for the independent pattern is only based on the market price, and income in the partnership pattern is divided into income earned by farmers and partners. Based on the results of the livestock business analysis, the partnership pattern has a higher income than the independent pattern. In the feasibility analysis used, the partnership pattern has 1.75 and the independent pattern is 1.11, that the partnership pattern has a higher ratio value than the independent pattern.
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