Mardiana Mardiana,Tampubolon Dahlan,Zen Irina Safitri
Sustainable economic development, especially the industrial sector, is an important agenda in improving the welfare of the population. The problem that arises is that land use for industry is dominant compared to considerations of the carrying capacity. This study aims to analyze the carrying capacity of the environment, especially land and water in the industrial growth center region (WPPI) South Riau. This study will quantify the potential of WPPI and its impact on the environment using the ECC approach. Data analysis was carried out using quantitative and descriptive analysis methods. Quantitative method is used to analyze the carrying capacity of the environment and descriptive method is used to analyze the recommendations resulting from the calculation of the carrying capacity of the environment. The land for the development of industrial areas is mainly peat domes and marine. The status of the carrying capacity of the land experienced a deficit, namely the regencies of Indragiri Hilir, Indragiri Hulu and Kuantan Singingi. The need for raw water/clean water in industrial growth centers reaches 3,758 liters/second. The land carrying capacity in the study area is dominantly low and the water carrying capacity is very low.
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