Zherlykina Maria,Smorodina Elena,Kalabukhov Gennady,Smolyaninov Andrey
Production premises should be provided with air conditioning in order to ensure and maintain required indoor climate parameters for proper technological process running. The paper presents analytical dependences that allow assessing the amount of heat supplied into a premise of processing meat products. A method of determining air parameters was proposed for implementing central conditioning under a technological process running in a premise. For a warm season, the air handling processes that involve or do not involve after-warming were drawn up using Id-chart depicting the state of humid air; the need for air recirculation was observed. The need for dehumidification of inlet air was defined and recommendations were proposed to be fulfilled. The method for evaluation of recirculation air amount was amended. For a cold season, the air handling processes that involve or do not involve preheating were drawn up using Id-chart depicting the state of humid air; the system of free cooling was proved reasonable to apply.
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