Soloveva Olga,Solovev Sergei,Ivanova Svetlana,Belyanina Anna,Kochkareva Tatiana,Sinitsyn Anton
Polymer thermal insulation materials are widely used in modern industry and technological production of energy carriers. Thermal insulation with polymer coatings is one of the main ways to protect thermal equipment from temperature effects, corrosion, cavitation, erosion, and other influences, reducing the consumption of expensive materials. However, although polymeric materials can significantly reduce the cost of heat losses, their use is kept at a relatively low level. This is due to the low level of culture in the construction industry and the desire to save on projects, even at the expense of quality. The important issue of forming a reliable system “polymer sheet – adhesive film – environment” is given minimal attention, which, as a result, greatly affects the performance and efficiency of the operation of power facilities. In this paper, we studied the problem of mathematical modeling of the mass transfer of the process of drying a multilayer thermal insulation coating on a polymer basis. The proposed method for calculating the concentration and temperature fields allows for optimizing the drying process and improving the quality and reliability of the technological process.