1. Shipulin L.V., The concept of designing high-speed machining operations based on complex simulation modeling of the process, Innovative technologies in metalworking: Russian scientific and practical correspondence conference with international participa-tion: a collection of scientific papers (dedicated to 90 anniversary of the Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Pro-fessor L.V. Khudobin), Ulyanovsk, November 25, 2018. Managing editor N.I. Vet-kasov. - Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk State Technical University, p. 151-157 (2019)
2. Shipulin L.V., Application of the method for designing a flat grinding cycle based on complex simulation when using the Siemens Sinumerik 802D SL CNC system cycle, Progressive technologies in mechanical engineering: a thematic collection of scientific papers / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation South Ural State University. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing Center of SUSU, p. 59-65 (2018)
3. Prediction of Machined Surface Geometry Based on Analytical Modelling of Ball-end Milling