Utilizing a value-oriented approach to rationalize design, organizational and technical solutions in construction


Trebukhin Anatoliy,Kolosov Aleaxander,Kuzmin Konstantin


The purpose of this study is to apply the method of value-oriented management to rationalize the choice of design, organizational and technical solutions, taking into account the current market situation. To solve the identified problems, it is proposed to revise the principles of assessing organizational and technical solutions using project management tools, stakeholder theory and the evolutionary theory of values. As a result, the theoretical foundations and methodological recommendations on the economic justification for the choice of organizational and technical solutions in the implementation of an investment and construction project were considered. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research are the works of scientists and specialists devoted to research in the field of theoretical and general methodological problems of assessing the effectiveness of capital investments in construction, as well as the application of a value-oriented approach in the management of investment and construction projects.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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