Evaluation of building condition index, repair, and maintenance priority order (Case study: Lecture room of engineering faculty, Syiah Kuala University)


Rahma Cut Dwita,Hasan Muttaqin,Saidi Taufiq


The Engineering Faculty building at Syiah Kuala University was constructed in 1963 and completed in 1998. Visible damages can be observed on the components. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the damages to these components, the condition index (CI) value, as well as the priority order for repairing and maintaining the building. The process commenced by evaluating the physical condition of the lecture hall. Questionnaires were also distributed and the data were then analysed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the weights of the component. These weights were combined with the volume of component damage to obtain the building’s CI values. The results showed that the majority of the damage in the Faculty of Engineering at Syiah Kuala University was related to architectural components. The Building Condition Index (BCI) classified all structures were in Zone 1 where indicated a very good condition with values ranging from 87.09% to 97.83%. Building A, received the highest priority for repair and maintenance, followed by the PPI and the D3 Civil Engineering structure. Regarding the building elements, columns were given the highest priority with a weight of 0.226, whereas carpet floor coverings were assigned the lowest with a mass of 0.003.


EDP Sciences

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