Alawady Ahmad,S Senthurya,Saritha G.,Pathani Ashish,Singh Akhilesh,Sherje Nitin P.
This review article delves into the environmental impact assessment of offshore wind farms in deep waters. Insights are drawn from lessons assessing the impacts of offshore wind projects on marine life, particularly marine mammals and seabirds. These lessons underscore the importance of collecting robust baseline data, understanding populationlevel implications, and learning from other industries to refine environmental risk assessments. Brazil’s emerging offshore wind industry serves as a backdrop to illustrate the complexities of balancing renewable energy ambitions with environmental considerations. Meanwhile, a qualitative review sheds light on potential environmental repercussions of deepwater, floating offshore wind facilities. Factors such as atmospheric changes, habitat disruptions, and underwater noise disturbances are examined. As the global pursuit of offshore wind energy intensifies, the review emphasises the need for strategic data collection, effective mitigation strategies, and informed decision-making to minimize environmental impacts whilst capitalising on renewable energy.