Stability Analysis of a Line Voltage using FACTS Devices


Ezhilarasan G.,Saxena Vijay,Agrawal Trapty,Singar Mahendra Kumar


The analysis of voltage stability in power system networks is outlined in this document. The Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI) is employed to evaluate the condition of the power lines under both normal and critical load situations. It aids in identifying the vulnerable buses that require reactive power compensation. Reactive power compensation is achieved by utilizing a series of interconnected FACTS devices, which effectively improve the stability limit and mitigate the risk of voltage collapse in strained transmission lines. The paper showcases the effective utilization of FVSI in assessing the stability of transmission line voltages. Discussion has also taken place regarding the enhancement of bus voltage stability, improved line flows, and reduction of losses through the application of series FACTS compensation. The examinations were conducted on IEEE30, IEEE 57, and IEEE118 bus networks.


EDP Sciences

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