Singh Satendra,Jessie Rani Hannah R.,Tyagi Rajneesh Kumar,Kulhar Kuldeep Singh
Addressing power quality issues is an important task for power engineers as a small disturbance in power system can initiate hefty disaster to the loads connected at user point. FACTS controllers are latest devices which can improve power system stability in case of voltage sag/swell and presence of harmonics. DSTATCOM in distribution system is one of the fine FACTS controllers which can address power quality issues. DSTATCOM is a voltage source converter connected at PCC delivering a three-level output. This 3- level output consists of harmonics which insists for high sized filters increasing system cost. This paper depicts five-level DSTATCOM connected to distribution system delivering qualified output reducing amount of harmonics which excludes high sized filters improving system efficiency and making system economic. PQ theory was employed to drive DSTATCOM. Fuzzy technique in PQ theory of controlling five-level DSTATCOM is presented in this paper comparing with conventional PI controller performance of reducing harmonics in distribution system.