Nur Handayani Anik,Nur Fitrianti Nabila,Kusumawardana Arya,Elmunsyah Hakkun,Arai Kohei,Andrie Asmara Rosa
This study aims to design and develop teaching materials for Basic Digital Engineering material in the Basics of Electronics Engineering Subject at the Mechatronics Department of SMKN 4 Malang. Obstacles in learning Basic Digital Engineering, lack of practicum facilities and learning resources, encourage the development of digital teaching materials as a structured solution. Autodesk Tinkercad platform is used to support offline practicum implementation. The purpose of using Autodesk-based learning to encourage students to collaborate and continue to carry out practicum independently outside the school environment. This research includes the development of job sheets consisting of teacher’s handbook and student’s handbook, covering basic logic gates, advanced logic gates, and introduction to microcontrollers. In addition, a guidebook was also developed to optimize the use of Autodesk Tinkercad. This research involves testing the feasibility of job sheets and guidebooks in learning Basic Digital Engineering Materials using the Autodesk Tinkercad platform. The results of this study can contribute to improving the quality of learning and conclude that the use of digital teaching materials with the support of Autodesk Tinkercad can increase student independence in Basic Digital Engineering Materials.
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