Walia Mandeep Singh,Garg Roopali,Goyal Parveen
Differential Equation (DE) of fractional-order specifically gives clear view of fractional-order systems. Since genuine processes are typically or most anticipated to be fractional, employing fractional-order’s concept might be results to take us closer to the actual world. A lot of recent publications concentrate on employing fractional-order dynamics is to describe actual physical processes. In this paper, fractional calculus is applied in the field of control systems. Fractional-order controller also known as FOC has been proposed in numerous studies. The fundamental benefit of a FOC is that it gives the control mechanism of greater flexibility of time and frequency responses, enabling better and more reliable functioning of the system. The industrialization of fractional-order control has practical benefits of better solutions for control problems. The industrial controller has the requirement of different gains and orders of fractionalorder controllers. The selectable improved design is proposed, and an optimal and efficient controller is suggested with fractional-order approach. The results show that the best controller is selected from different controllers for water tank and bio-reactor systems. It is found in the results that the Mod FPID controller has the least overshoot of 4.31% and the fastest settling time of 76.5 s for water tank system and fractional-order controller (PID)n is selected for bio-reactor control systems.
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