1. The town-planning code of the Russian Federation from 29 dec. 2004, 190-FZ, http://base.garant.ru/12138258/#ixzz41gbpboki (2015)
2. The Moscow town-planning code, No. 28 from 06.25.2008 (2015)
3. SP 42.13330.2011 the Federal Guidance on Urban and Rural Planning, http://www.minregion.ru/activities/771/tehreg/482/484/486/1045.html (2015)
4. Station Site and Access Planning Manual, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, www.wmata.com/pdfs/planning/ Station%20Access/SSAPM.pdf (2012)
5. Vlasov D.N.,Transport transit hubs of the biggest city (on the example of Moscow city)(2009)