Rachkov Dmitrij,Volosyuk Denis,Pronozin Yakov,Bartolomej Leonid
The article shows the positive experience of fixing the soil base and strengthening the foundation with the parallel restoration of the normative state of the underground and above-ground structures of the facility. The accidents at the considered objects is caused by the formation of significant voids under the foundation. Foundations at the objects are represented by monolithic reinforced concrete slab and strip. Recommendations are given on the development of design solutions, organization of work, and the compositions of injection mortars are analyzed. Injection compositions were presented on the basis of cement and sand-cement mixture, the argumentation of the use of these compositions on specific engineering-geological conditions is given. Stabilization of the foundation was additionally made by strengthening with "Atlant" piles. The variants of the object geometric position correction by mortar injection into the contact layer and into the active soil strata are presented. The development of a reliable solution for reinforcement is possible only if there are an accurate data of the geotechnical conditions of the construction site, a detailed visual and instrumental survey of building structures. The processes of fixing soil foundations with parallel lifting of underground and above-ground structures are provided today with the necessary level of equipment development. However, it is necessary to ensure its technologically correct use, adapted to a specific situation. The options for solving emergency situations considered in the article can be used as proven design solutions at facilities with similar engineering and geological conditions and foundation structures.