Nagaibayeva Zauresh,Amantayeva Jamilya,Mazhitova Zhanna,Bissembayeva Zinakul,Nessipkaliyev Dauren
Development of virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan has highlighted a number of problems in the economy of the republic. Introduction of huge territories into land turnover in extreme conditions required search and creation of irrigation system in the North-Kazakhstan region. Authors note that in the North-Kazakhstan region, having difficult natural-climatic conditions caused by sharply continental climate, there was a deficit of fresh artesian water. Therefore, one of the main directions of agrarian policy in the North-Kazakhstan region was to increase the efficiency of irrigated land use, liman irrigation, water supply to settlements, watering of the territory and qualitative improvement of irrigation and reclamation works. The authors conclude that despite the measures taken, the established irrigation systems did not meet the needs of agriculture and the population of the region.
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