Alimbaev Turgai,Beksultanova Chinara,Mazhitova Zhanna,Choybekova Gulzhamal,Zhunushalieva Gulsunkan,Tentigul kyzy Nazira
The article focuses on the initial stage of the virgin and fallow lands development in Pavlodar region. The authors elaborated on the climatic features of the region, noting that this territory was characterized by complex natural and climatic zones and had huge deposits of minerals. The climate in north-eastern Kazakhstan was sharply continental, arid, and the soils were mostly unsuitable for farming, so the cultivation of grain crops was fraught with huge risks and difficulties. The authors conclude that, despite the natural, climatic and other difficulties encountered, the virgin land development activities were completed successfully and in the first years the sown area of grain crops in the Pavlodar region was significantly increased.
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