About the processes of hydration and hardening of cement


Sarkisov Yuri,Gorlenko Nikolay,Ismailov Gafurzhan,Nevinitsyna Victoria,Osipkina Yulia


The paper deals with some poorly studied issues of cement hydration and hardening. It is shown that the interaction of cement with water begins with the attack of oxygen atoms of clinker minerals by water protons. In this case, the process of structure formation of a cement stone can be represented as a process of inversion of the dispersed cement – water system, when the dispersion medium (water) in the initial periods turns into a dispersed phase at the later stages of hardening. Conversely, the dispersed medium (cement) becomes the dispersion medium. Attention is drawn to the relevance, but insufficient knowledge of information interactions in the cement – water system, as well as the influence of a hydrated electron on the reactivity of the system under consideration.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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