Strength of Frame Elements of Energy Objects Under Atmospheric Impact


Yakovlev P.V.,Lebedev V.A.


The paper considers the issues of strength of energy facilities’ load-bearing metal structures under the influence of acoustic waves produced by a lightning strike. The studies were carried out using finite element test models of cantilever beams of various designs. The beams are loaded with the total load of the beams’ own weight and the shock wave produced by a lightning strike from a distance of 1 m from the beams’ surface. Calculation results substantiate the necessity to consider the impact of thunder when calculating the structure of energy facilities made of sheet metal. It was revealed that deformations and loads in sheet metal structural elements at the time of a lightning strike from a distance of less than 1 m from the structure’s surface may exceed the acceptable values for the yield strength of structural steels. As a result of the work, recommendations were made on the location of the lightning rods and the need to reduce the operational loads during a thunderstorm.


EDP Sciences

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