Decision Support System for Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) Scholarship Selection Using The AHP And VIKOR Method Integrated with EKTP


Winarno ,Prasetyo Agung,Wijayanto Ardhi


. The Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) for college is a government-sponsored educational assistance program that builds upon the foundation of the Bidikmisi scholarship, providing continued support for eligible students. In the 2018/2019 academic year, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta (UNS) received approximately 2,000 applicants, while the recipient quota was limited to less than 1,000. In the current selection process for KIP UNS scholarships, the criteria weighting method is utilized. However, there is a notable absence of consistency checking during this crucial process. Additionally, incorporating consistency checks is imperative to attain an optimal solution and mitigate the risks associated with subjective decision-making. Relying solely on Microsoft Excel software can also restrict data accessibility and availability. Therefore, this study aims to address the issue of inconsistency in KIP scholarship process by proposing Decision Support System that incorporates consistency checking and improves decision outcomes. The AHP and VIKOR method were used in providing recommendations for KIP scholarship recipients. By employing the AHP method, the calculated weighting criteria exhibited consistency, as indicated by a ratio value of 0.0746. The result showed that VIKOR produced a ranking of KIP scholarship candidates, validated by the confusion matrix method, indicating an accuracy and error rate value of 87% and 13% respectively. These findings confirmed that the AHP and VIKOR method serve as an effective decision-support solution for selecting KIP scholarship recipient


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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