Khodijah Dodoh,Yustina Ida,Lumbanraja Sarma,Zuska Fikarwin
Preeclampsia is a global cause of maternal death. Maternal mortality due to eclampsia in Indonesia is 33.07%. Various interventions have been carried out, but until now maternal mortality due to preeclampsia has not been able to be controlled. Current interventions are more focused on medical interventions, but the involvement of the family members in the preeclampsia treatment is not optimal. The aim of this study is to explore the experience of family members in caring treatment woman with preeclampsia during pregnancy to prevent eclampsia. This is a qualitative study with a
phenomenological approach. Data collection using in-depth interviews. The informants in this study are 5 family members who have meet a inclusion criteria. The result this study found 2 themes, namely (1) family support, (2) family mentoring. The family support and family mentoring are necessary to prevent eclampsia in pregnant woman. Suggestions for the family members to involve in caring pregnant woman to prevent eclampsia.
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