Prevalence and risk factors of thyroid dysfunction in young age


Molokanova Yuliya,Saprykin Vladimir,Lyalina Irina


We examined people aged from 17 to 22 on the state of the thyroid gland. Analyzed results of the ultrasonography, laboratory test data, health assessment questionnaires and food records of the 300 study participants. Risk factors of thyroid dysfunction development for young people were analyzed. Signs of structural changes of the thyroid gland were detected amongst 57 % of study participants. The laboratory test results confirmed 44 % of the primary outcome received after palpation and ultrasonography. As a result 67 % of the examined volunteers from the in need of treatment group and 35 % intact volunteers were transferred into the group of dynamic follow-up thyroid gland monitoring. Discovered a less number of cases of the structural and/or functional thyroid disorders amongst people who have lived for 5 years in ecologically clean regions. All study participants had chronic alimentary iodine insufficiency which didn’t allow us to confirm the fundamental role of the iodine deficiency in the thyroid gland dysfunction development amongst young people. Laboratory confirmed diagnoses autoimmune thyroid disorders were found only amongst volunteers that consumed less than ¼ of the daily dose of iodine and lived in ecologically unsafe districts.


EDP Sciences

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