Dymytrov Serhii,Sabluk Vasil,Tanchyk Semen,Gumentyk Mykhailo,Balagura Oleg
The aim is to study how presowing usage of biologies Mycofriend, Mikovital and Florobacillin influences on biometric indicators of maize, its productivity and soil moisture holding capacity. Using mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, we have received positive results about their influence on plant growth and development and maize yield forming. Leaf surface area in variants with fungi Trichoderma harzianum Rifai (Mycofriend bio-based product), and Tuber melanosporum Vittad (Mikovital bio-based product) and bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn. (Florobacillin bio-based product) was counted on 30th, 60th, 90th and 120th days of vegetation and was estimated by 11.2–90.0% higher compared to the control. Leaf mass and root system mass exceeded control indicators by 24.0–48.9%, respectively. Plants height in these accounted periods was higher by 4.0–31.5% compared to the control. In addition, in these variants, soil moisture holding capacity increased by 7.3–38.1%, share of soil lumps smaller than 0.25 mm decreased by 2.8–7.2%. Grain yield of Maize in variants with mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria was 1.64–2.68 t/ha higher than in the control. It should be noted that presowing usage of fungus Trichoderma harzianum Rifai on plants seeds, provides better efficiency on plants’ growth and development and their productivity.
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