The use of nanosized additives in the modification of brick loam


Bogdanov Andrey,Mavlyuberdinov Azat,Nurieva Evgeniya


The effect of nanosized additives on the strength properties of ceramics based on fusible brick loam of the Klyuchischenskoye deposit has been studied. In general, all nanosized additives selected for the study had a positive effect on the strength properties of ceramics. The greatest increase in strength, when using nanosized silica ash Laksil 30, was 70 %, in relation to the control sample. When using silica ash, an increase in the content of the amorphous phase in the shard after firing is noted against the background of a decrease in its porosity, which causes an increase in strength characteristics. The nature of the destruction of the samples also differed. The destruction of the control sample was accompanied by the formation and gradual opening of cracks. The destruction of the modified samples was more fragile in comparison with the control. Thus, the effectiveness of nanosized additives on the strength properties of ceramics is shown.


EDP Sciences







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