Providing interlayer adhesion of dissimilar layers of top road surfaces


Gabdullin Talgat,Makhmutov Marat


The article reviews the option of how to make the top pavement of asphalt-concrete mixture adhere reliably to the base, which is the underlying cement-concrete coating. The bitumen-latex emulsion is suggested as a binder for the two pavement layers. The research aimed to determine the optimal layer thickness of the bituminous-latex emulsion to be applied and achieve the maximum interlayer adhesion between the top asphalt-concrete pavement and the cement-concrete base. After full-scale experiments, the required layer thickness of the bitumen-latex emulsion was 2 mm. With this layer thickness of the binder, road pavement layers do not delaminate and shear when stressed by the intensive flows of vehicles moving on the roads. The results obtained are important for the road construction industry for suggesting the formulation of bitumen-latex emulsion and finding the most effective layer thickness to be applied. The suggested formulation of a bitumen-latex emulsion is frost-resistant. The article describes the experimental steps for determining the optimal application thickness at a fair length. The maintenance-free life of roads with an asphalt-concrete mixture on a cement-concrete base interlayered with a bitumen-latex emulsion as a binder is assumed to get much longer.


EDP Sciences

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