Ivina Oksana,Belova Anastasia,Klimchuk Andrey,Akhmetgalym Tlek
Mining is one of the fastest growing solid mining industries worldwide. The intensification of production processes and increased economic efficiency by reducing costs and increasing production volumes, enhanced the intensive development in the use of modern, innovative technologies. Mixed reality technologies with the emphasis on creating the most natural interface, which could not be realized for a long time, are successfully being introduced into the production processes of the mining industry.The company SoftCATEN has developed a software package for the dynamic construction of underground mine workings with visualization in virtual reality. The principles of project implementation based on Unreal Engine 4 are developed. The proposed technology for constructing a coal mine model provides the conditions for a high-quality change in approaches to training processes and provides mining enterprises with tools for a full analysis of possible options for the development of mining operations.