1. Ecological and Economical Violations as a Threat for Sustainable Development and National Environmental Safety (on Example of Kemerovo Region)
2. The Russian Federation Government decree of 10.07.2018 No. 800 “On Carrying Out Reclamation and Preservation of Lands” (Regional Legislation Collection, Kemerovo, 2019)
3. The resolution of the Governor of the Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) of 12.08.2019 No. 55-pg “On the organization of the standing committee on the issues of land reclamation” (Regional Legislation Collection, Kemerovo, 2019)
4. The resolution of board of the Administration of the Kemerovo region “On the introduction of amendments to the resolution of Board of Administration of the Kemerovo region of 08.11.2016 No. 430 “On the approval of the state program of the Kemerovo region “Guard, protection, reproduction, managements of the woods and the objects of fauna of Kuzbass” for 2017 - 2021” (Regional Legislation Collection, Kemerovo, 2019)
5. The report of the Department of natural resources and ecology of the Kemerovo region on the status and environmental protection of the Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) in 2019 (Regional Legislation Collection, Kemerovo, 2019)