Modeling mangrove ‘blue carbon’ ecosystem service in Jakarta bayas an impact of coastal development


Sudirman Nasir,Helmi Muhammad,Susetyo Adi Novi


Coastal ecosystems provide various ecosystem services in the form of natural resources, life support services, aesthetical values and comfort.The key ecosystems providing those services include estuaries, mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass beds.Some ecosystem services provided by the key coastal ecosystems function as producers, life supporters, wave absorbers, litter provider for detritus and decomposers, and carbon cycles regulator in the ecosystem. Though their roles are vital for Jakarta bay and its surrounding areas, ecosystem service aspect in Jakarta Bay is understudied. The previous limited studies focused mostly on economics valuation aspect and descriptive studies, ignoring the modeling and mapping aspects of the ecosystem services. InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) is a tool to map and model ecosystem services in an explicitly spatial representation.InVEST can be used to map and model changes in ecosystem servicess that will be affected by multi-scalechanges in the Jakarta Bay, particularlyland reclamation and what's so called as the Giant Sea Wall.The output generated through the spatial and temporal mapmodeling in inVESTcan account for ecosystem services in past, presentand future scenarios. In the context of various coastal development in Jakarta bay, the results of InVEST can be then be used asvaluableinput tocoastal management of Jakarta Bay, e.g. for mangrove management as a blue carbon ecosystem service provider.


EDP Sciences

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