Najat Rafalia,Haitam Ettazi,Jaafar Abouchabaka
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly evolving environment that allows users to use and control a wide variety of connected objects. The 20 billion IoT devices that will be employed by 2020 are only the top of the iceberg. According to IDC, the overall amount of connected devices will rise to 41.6 billion over the next five years, producing over 80 Zettabytes of data by 2025 which will impact environment severely. These connected environments increase the attack surface of a system since; the risks are multiplied by the number of connected devices. These devices are responsible for more or less critical tasks, and can therefore be the target of users malicious, in this paper we present a methodology to evaluate the security of IoT systems. We propose a way to represent IoT systems, coupled with attack trees in order to assess the chances of success of an attack on a given system.
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