Hasan Rifda,Demulawa Meilan,Arbie Asri,Yunginger Raghel,Gede Eka Setiawan Dewa,Kurniasari Septiana
This study aims to determine the graphic patterns of vibration on slopes caused by vehicles, and graphic designs can be observed based on the time and frequency domains. The research data were recorded using a movable type TDL 303 S (three components) with six measurement points in Tomilito District. The recorded data were processed using the Geopsy software. The data analysis was used is HVSR analysis. HVSR research has produced timeand frequency-domain graph patterns. Based on the data analysis, in the design of the time-domain graph, locations close to the road have interference/noise caused by the vehicle amplitudes. This area does not exist, and the frequency-domain graph has natural frequency values and amplification at the peak of the H/V curve. In each morning time curve, the frequency in the range of 18-37 Hz experiences an increase in amplitude. By contrast, the amplitude did not increase significantly.
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