Marine Animals Protected by the IUCN Red Data List and CITES 1973 on Seagrass Ecosystems


Pramudianto Andreas,Suharso Putut,Hidayati Nurul


Seagrass beds are important for providing ecological functions and ecosystem services, including its role as habitat for marine animals. In spite of their significance, they remain in decline. The change of seagrass beds will affect the associated animals. Some animals that live on seagrass beds protected by IUCN Red Data List and CITES 1973. Yet the data have not been properly recorded. The aim of this study was to find out the existence of marine animals protected by the Red Data List and CITES 1973 IUCN, especially in seagrass ecosystems in Indonesia. The method used in this research is mix method with desk study approach and presentation of data analyzed through review. The results of the study show that changes in seagrass ecosystems will affect the presence of migratory marine animals and those who live and settle in this ecosystem. The provisions in the IUCN Red Data List and CITES 1973 supported by national legislation in Indonesia will have significant impact on the protection of marine animals in seagrass beds.


EDP Sciences

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